Friday, June 12, 2009

1st day riding down

Well we made it to Nashville. Amy, Mike and Todd met up with Ron, Tammy, and Ross here in Nashville. They got here about an hour ahead of us and already had some pitchers of margaritas at the little mexican restaurant next door. We might have ordered another or 5.
The ride today was really nice. We did about 1/2 on the interstate and about 1/2 on state highways. It was a little overcast until we got to Knoxville but thats when I guess we passed through the front and it got really nice and sunny...and HOT. The interstate over some of the mountains was interesting..traffic rolls through there and with the mountain winds and the big trucks pushing air it was a bit fun. Traffic rolls at about 75 - 80 so being bounced around on the big was interesting...I was glad to get off onto a state highway and run 60-65 for a while.

We are sitting around the parking lot right now and having a blast. Plan is to hit the road at 8am tomorrow morning and make it 500+ miles to Kansas City....I will try to download some pics later...gonna get some rest.

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