First of all, if you've been following along...check out the older posts...I was able to borrow a USB cord from MarkG (thanks Mark!) and get my pics downloaded and have added them to the previous entries.
So there was nothing officially planned this morning so 5 of us decided to ride up to Sturgis. Yeah, that's where the big rally is in a few weeks. There will be 1000's of Harley riders there and 100's of other brand riders. Even now there were bikes all over the place. It was pretty much a 90 mile or so run up there...a few minutes in a shop and down town....everyone bought a little something and then a HUGE thunderstorm started moving in over the mountains. We could see it coming so we saddled up and got out in front of it just barely for the 90 mile run back.
Met at the HQ for the planned afternoon rides which were up to Iron Mountain Road, Needles Road, and through Custer State Park. The roads were pretty curvy and lots of fun to ride on. Nothing really to hard. Amy and I were riding in the back and since we had varying riding skills in the group, we kinda cheated and would drop back when I saw some nice curves and switchbacks coming (on the gps) and we were able to blast through some of them. At one point I was counting the times I drug the floorboards but ended up losing was bunch though!!!!!!! Sherri would have bruised my ribs grabbing on if she was riding with me....she's not the biggest fan of getting that far leaned over or that fast through curves.....but she's gettin' better. Also saw buffalo, wild burros, and a turkey (or was that this morning ???). Anyway we could see Mt. Rushmore on the ride and decided to eat dinner in Hill City and go to the lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore tonight. It was pretty impressive...very patriotic. Hard to believe that people actually climbed that mountain and were able to sculpt those images so well. Took way too many pictures there.
Did somewhere around 260 miles today on the bike. We did hear when we got back that one of our members had a little mishap today but he and the bike were just barely banged up and he should be able to ride it back home and both he and the bike are repairable.
Tomorrow there is planned ride through the Badlands. Not sure if I am going on that or not..still pondering...may take of with a few other folks and explore some areas on our own and may take another run at Iron Mtn. road...dunno yet.....anyway, again it's late and my spelling and grammar and punctuation (BRENT !!!!) stop texting me and telling me to proof read...I'm too least you learned something in your writing class this year I guess.
Hope to post up some tomorrow after the finale dinner at the State Game Lodge in Custer State Park.
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