Sunday, June 14, 2009

Made it to Ogallala

We made it to Ogallala today, about a 490-500 mile day again. We met a Rick and Watchman on the road today at at truckstop by chance so we had 10 bikes running today. It was wet and drizzly in Kansas City this morning so we all geared up in rain suits and hit the road. Got about an hours north on I-26 and it started clearing out and stayed clear through the rest of Missouri, a little run through the corner of Iowa, and most of Nebraska. We did have about 100 miles of drizzle and a little rain but cleared up again about an hour east of Ogallala.

So far we crossed the Ohio River, the Missouri River, and the Mississippi. Took a nice 80-90 mile trek across rural Nebraska off the interstate through farm country that was really nice putting along at 60 mph vs the 70+ mph we have been doing on interstates.

The mileage tally so far is 1499.7 and around 47 gallons of fuel. I burned out the high beam of my headlight today and just discovered it late after dinner. Nothing around Ogallala is open tonight so I will have to buy one somewhere on the way tomorrow and put it in tomorrow night. Will just run with low beam on all day tomorrow.

The GPS thing is really nice, although it lead me to a non-existant BP gas station today along with the 9 bikes following me, but there was another station just off the exit so we were fine. The only thing about having GPS is that you really don't pay a lot of attention to the route you are just listen to the silly box tell you directions...but it is real nice to know there is a fuel stop coming up in so many miles so you don't stress about fuel.

Custer will be tomorrow after about 260 miles ... Wow, 260 miles is a really short ride.

Will hopefully be able to check in tomorrow after arriving and post some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Todd,

    Thanks for the updates....I am enjoying them.

    I agree about the backroads and interstates....real America, less traffic, best scenery, and the best food is found on the backroads.

    So which cup holder did you put on the bike?

    Don't forget that bulb....not that it helps you now but I keep a spare behind my left side cover and a spare key in my tail light.
